Do you like writing FLASH FICTION?

Here is a weekly opportunity to allow your creative juices to flow.

Early every Wednesday morning a new photo prompt is revealed and members of the Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner’s Writing Community try their hand at creating a poem, or a flash piece or a short (under 300 words) story that has been ‘birthed’ from seeing the picture.

You should give it a try!

I know the host. He’s a great fellow. (Full disclosure- It’s me.)

Written for Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner.

I’m Far Wiser Now

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

I have always been a bit if a daredevil. 

As a lad, my mother shared recipes with the ER nurses at our local rescue sub-station. She probably saw them once a week- thanks to me.

At forty, I like to think I have gotten older and wiser. I realize the thin thread that keeps life in balance. And I have a far firmer grasp on the frailties of life.

I still enjoy a magnificent adrenaline rush…

But I usually experience the rush from a more reclined position.

Written for Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner: Week #6.


Photo by Tobias Reich on Unsplash


The first three strategic interventions created only a muted response from the defacto-governmental officials. I had personally thought that using their world as a colored pencil- pin cushion was a uniquely creative way to show my disdain for the mere mortals. A few bureaucrats were slightly unnerved, but the majority of the governing bodies were still assuming that they would have a say-so in the new governing of their world.

They feigned concerned at my surprisingly immense powers to effortlessly infiltrate their world. The news organizations in each of the largest municipal groups kept the local populous unenlightened as to my unlimited sovereign authority.

My tauntings had been broadcast to the world as the birthing and showcasing of a budding abstract artist just of the cusp of stardom.

I did not see myself having any desire to become a demonic dictator of my New World Order, but I would be respected and obeyed. If humane warnings and benevolent power displays would not graciously compel them to bend-the-knee, I had other options. 

Written for Flash Fiction for the Practical Practitioner: Week #5.  

An Easy Choice

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

An Easy Choice

“Flip a coin.”

“How on earth is that going to help? There are nine choices, nitwit. A coin only has two side.”

“Do you have a coin on you or not?”

“Why’r ya askin’ me? Don’t ya have any money on you? Am I supposed to pay for everything on this trip?”

“My choice is getting easier and easier.”

“Just what’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know I pay everything with a credit card. Do you have a coin or not?”

“Yes. Here, you flip.”

The coin lands on tails and Andre is elated. “Yes!”

“So, which way are you going?”

“Back home.”

Written for Flash Fiction for the Practical Practitioner: January 

Monkey Business

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

“Honest Mom, I didn’t do it.”

I gave a silent chuckle. Any time Ashton began his pleas of innocence with an “I didn’t do it.” I could be fairly sure He had done it. He was not a good fibber. For that, as a mother, I was very grateful and I hoped this flaw would last another ten years.

“The camera was in my purse when we left the car.” I tried to remain calm. It was really no big deal that Ashton was so excited about using the camera. I had intended to show him some of the tricks-of-the-trade on our outing anyway. But he needed to learn a little patience.

“If you took it, you need to tell me, son. You’re constantly getting distracted and losing things. How many times have we had this conversation? This new camera is not a toy.”

“Mom, I didn’t take it.”

This time his response had more of a-ring-of-truth to it.

“Then where is it?” I thought I would short cut all the cajoling and cut straight to the chase.

“He has it.” Ashton was pointing directly behind me.

Quickly I turned right to look behind me. There was no one there.

“Ashton, I’m not upset with you, yet. I understand that you want to use the camera to complete your zoological tour project. That’s a good thing. A very responsible thing. That’s why I went ahead a purchases the camera before your birthday. But we’re getting to that point of no return. We’ve talked about this.” I was very proud of myself for keeping my cool.

“It’s right there is his hand, Mom.”

“Ashton…” I said as I turned again. This time to my left.

And there it was. Two adult macaques were busy passing my new camera between themselves looking at it with fascination.

“Read the sign, Mom.”

Right above me was bold red sign. The printing in bold block letters.

Curious Monkeys

Watch Your Belongings

“You really need to be more careful with things, Mom.” The sweet words melted from Ashton’s lips as they curled into a million dollar grin.

Written for Flash Fiction for the Practical Practitioner: January 


Photograph by Eberhard Grossgasteiger on Unsplash

“We need more snow.”

“Look out the window, dear,” I tried to remain calm. “We have 57 inches of snow outside right now. There are drifts over 10 feet deep. You have had to climb through the window to get outside to shovel the kitchen door open the last two days to go feed the livestock and the hens because of the blowing winds.”

“Yes, the wind seems to be blowing all the snow away.”

“No, dear.” It’s hard to be the sane one in a couple when I have been house-bound for eight days. “The snow is still there. Just look out your window. You can see it.”

“If we just get a little more snow, maybe they will cancel school for the rest of the week.”

“Darling, schools have already been called off until at least next Monday. We heard it on the radio last night.”

“Oh, that’s right,” my husband replied. “I remember.”

FYI: I could have been this person. I loved the start of school. I loved vacation days. I loved each Monday to see the students again. I loved a surprise day off.

It’s strange, even after being retired for several years, I still look forward to the first day of school and I still love snow days off from school.

Written for Flash Fiction for the Practical Practitioner: January 

Ready or Not …

Photograph by Eberhard Grossgasteiger on Unsplash

The afternoon sun blazed down on our snowy mountain oasis. Our winter family retreat was coming to a close.

It had been a great time.

The days were filled with sledding and skiing and snowball-fights. In the evenings we assisted Mom with home-baked cookies and we gophered for Dad as he manned the outdoor grill. Each night we gathered in front of the fireplace as a family or games of trivia or charades.

Being the family prankster, I had enjoyed pulling tricks on each of my seven brothers and sisters. I even got a good one on Mom last night.

This year, however, I had been caught a little off-guard my family’s friendliness upon receiving my Christmas ‘treats’.

Thursday night, I was successful with placing plastic roaches in my oldest sister’s salad. On Friday night, I taped balloons to the back of the bedroom doors of my two youngest brothers so that when they opened the door completely the balloons meet with pins and burst.

Saturday night, my luck ran out. I placed my oldest brother’s hand in warm water while he was asleep. He woke up before he wet the bed.

After each and every trick, there were shouts and giggles.

But the strangest thing was that after each prank, that person just stopped dead still, looked me right in the eye, and said very calmly, “Pranks sure are a lot of fun. Aren’t they, Freddy?”

After hearing that same statement, said exactly the same way, for nine times during our winter weekend get-away… Well, let me tell you … It was a little nerve racking.

So I was just a little relieved as I took the youngest out for our final hide-and-go-seek as the rest of the family packed the station wagon and the van.

“98… 99… 100. Ready or Not. Here I come!”

I stepped away from the tree.

My forehead banged back against it.

I tried to step again… but my arms wouldn’t come loose from the tree trunk.

I was stuck.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by laughing and giggling. Two snowballs hit me on my left shoulder.

“Mom!!!!” I screamed.

“I’m right here,” she said as I got another snowball to my backsides.

There was another countdown. All at once the yelled together, “Pranks sure are a lot of fun. Aren’t they, Freddy?”

Written for Flash Fiction for the Practical Practitioner: Week 1: 2022

Flash Fiction for the Practicial Practitioner Returns in 5 Days

I am sooooo looking forward to re-starting this challenge.

Get your juices flowing…

Your fingers limbered up..

And you pens in hand.

It is just around the corner!

Written for Flash Fiction for the Practical Practitioner.


I love being a story-teller. I enjoy reminiscing.

Often the stories I tell about events from my past.

Usually they are stories of something ‘stupid’ I have done. The episode for the story usually never started out as stupid, but the end result would speak for itself.

It is with great hesitation that I like to “toot my own horn”.

But like they say, “There is an exception for evey rule.”

So today, I will make an exception.





For those of you who don’t know, FLASH FICTION FOR THE PRACTICIAL PRACTITIONER is a weekly 300 word flash fiction story challenge.

Get your fingers revving to type.



NANO Project #3

How many of you are trying the NANO (National Novel Writing Month) this year?

I decided to break mine apart into different writing projects.

My first project was to complete my personal CELEBRATION blogs for the year. That project has been completed and has been checked off the list.

Project number two was to bring back on-line my weekly flash fiction writing challenge: FLASH FICTION FOR THE PRACTICAL PRACTITIONER. I finished that project this weekend. (This project will go live the last week of Decemeber.)

My third writing project is to collect and print my own personal COOKBOOK. I hope to compile 100 recipes that I know and have tried often and I love for this project. I suspect it will take more than the month of November. I hope to have it ready for my own personal Christmas present by December 25th!

We will see?

Written for Retirement. Hobbies. Entertainment. Cooking.