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Is it accurate to say that a photograph is worth one thousand words?

I had a cousin that would love to take candid photographs.  He would sneak up on you and suddenly snap…. snap… snap…

“These were the slices of real life,” he would say. “They are much truer that the staged pictures Aunt Azuzu would coerce us in to sitting still for posterity’s sake.

At one time, I believed this to be true… No longer!

The staged photograph, no matter how hated, allowed the person being photographed a little control of how they would be viewed for posterity.

The candid shot was not free of bias.

No… The candid shot was selected because that is how the photographer of the family wished to see the participants encased for posterity.

Neither were ‘truth’. Neither are ‘truth’.

So I agree… A picture is worth a thousand words.

But this does not mean that the words are a valid snapshot of the willing participant… be it candid or otherwise.

Photographs are not the givers-of-truth.

Inference wins.

And this was BEFORE photo-shopping!

Written for Daily Addictions: ACCURATE. I have been having problems finding something of meaning to create an answer for the prompts this year. So I decided to strengthen and tighten my focus. My chosen topics are as follows:  (Monday) Life in Retirement; (Tuesday) Hobbies: Archaeology and Astronomy; (Wednesday) Fitness; (Thursday) Chores; (Friday) Writing; (Saturday) Hobbies: Music and Photography; and (Sunday) Hobbies: Gardening and Birdwatching.

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