Thick as Thieves


Thick as Thieves

Sandra Brown

Arden Maxwell, now an adult orphan whose shady past includes a father who committed and murder and a bank robbery escaping with a fortune, moves back to her home place (the scene of the crimes) to try to find resolution and a new start.

Arden meets Ledge Burnet, a war hero with a very checkered past and many secrets of his own, as she is trying to not rebuild her home place as she rebuilds her life.

This is a story line with twist upon twist upon twist. You will love it!

Warning: As you read some of the scenes, you won’t want to close you eyes.

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

You Are Not Alone


You Are Not Alone

Greer Hendricks

Shat Miller is rudderless in the world. Her life is going nowhere. Just when she thinks that life cannot get any worse, Shat witnesses a suicide- a jumper in front for a subway train.

While trying to come to grips with her dead end life, Shay meets the Moore sisters, Cassandra and Jane. They are everything she wants to become. And,,, They want her as a friend.

Soon Shay finds herself tied to a mystery that seems inescapable.

A great thriller mystery!!!

Well worth a read!

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

Ruin and Rising


Ruin and Rising

The Shadow and Bone Trilogy

Leigh Bardugo

The Darkling now rules Ravka. Alina and Mal, after many battles have lost again and are rescued by the Apparat, the leader of a religious order (complete with a commanding army). seeking to use Alina’s powers to free the world. But would the world be free under the control of this zealot.

Alina and Mal must once again team up to do battle once again.

A great concluding book!


Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

Wrath of Poseidon


Wrath of Poseidon

A Sam and Remi Fargo Novel

Clive Cussler

This is the first of the Sam and Remi Fargo novels.

I had read some of the middle ones, but this one allowed me to make sense of who these characters were from the beginning. ENJOYED!!

Sam is just beginning is engineering exploits as a genius innovator. He has a history already with the US Intelligence community.

In their first adventure together, Sam and Remi hunt for the lost treasures of the Persian King Croesus (546 B.C.).

Of course, there are villains hunting the treasure as well.

If you are an adventure enthusiast, you will enjoy this one.

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

Siege and Storm


Siege and Storm

The Shadow and Bone Trilogy

Leigh Bardugo

We find the lives of Alina and Mal once again in battle to free Ravka.

Alina has hidden powers that The Darkling is coursing her to use for his reign of terror. Alina can now be a weapon of war (used by The Darkling, or try (with Mal’s assistance) to free herself. But the more Alina attempts to free herself from the Darkling, the more she is swept up in the world of Blackness,

A pirate (privateer) intervenes on Alina’s behave. But is the privateer’s motives for Alina any more freeing than the powers of The Darkling.

A great Book Two.

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

Shadow and Bone


Shadow and Bone

The Shadow and Bone Trilogy

Leigh Bardugo

Ravka, once a great nation, has been invaded by monsters living in the Shadow Field. The Shadow Field separates kingdoms and inhibits travel and commerce. The monsters that live in the Shadow Field eat human flesh.

Two orphans, Alina and Mal, friends since they have memories, seem to be part caught up in the taming of this Back Enemy. Alina is taken to the Royal court to become trained as a Grisha- a magical inhabitant that is being used by a mysterious commander Darkling to free the world.

This is a Young Adult book- but a great read.

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

The Silent Wife

The Silent Wife- Karen Slaughter

The Silent Wife

Karen Slaughter

Investigator Will Trent is sent to the state penitentiary to interview a convicted prisoner who now claims innocence. He was framed. He was a quick solution to fix a community uproar.

The prisoner says that the murders that he is suspected of committed are actually the work of a serial killer still lurking and committing murders in the nearby communities. He says that he has proof.

As Will Trent investigates the two original murders, new pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place that show that maybe the prisoner, though guilty of the crimes he was convicted of committing, was not guilty of these murders. Police misconduct is possible- just as the prisoner has claimed.

An excellent read!

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

A Private Cathedral A Dave Robicheaux Novel


A Private Cathedral

A Dave Robicheaux Novel

James Lee Burke

Detective Dave Robicheaux finds himself fighting the supernatural (a green-lizard-faced) man to solve the case of two celebrity Louisiana families tied-up in a human trafficking saga.

The youngest heirs of these families, Johnny Shondell and Isolde Balangie, are runaway lovers. Johnny wants to become a rock-and-roll legend (and seems to have the talent), but he is required to turn over the girl his loves to become a sex slave to the family’s patriarch.

If you enjoy ‘cops’ with a twist of the ‘unexpainable’ … this one is for you.

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

Choppy Water


Choppy Water

A Stone Barrington Novel

Stuart Woods

Stone Barrington is at it again.

His closest friend, the soon-to-be-President-of-the-United-States, is vacationing (hiding away) with him at his house in Maine.

While on a boat trip, her Secret Service detail are all murdered.

Now one is caught. No one claims responsibility. No one was supposed to know they were vacationing there.

There is a mole- at the very top of the Presidential detail.

If you enjoy Stone Barrington, you’ll like this one.

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.

All Adults Here


All Adults Here

Emma Straub

A fun family drama.

Astrid Strick is a witness to a runaway school bus hitting and killing a former ‘friend’. She suddenly realizes that ‘the day of life’ are truly numbered.

Astrid has three grown children. They are all very much different from each other. She wants to make amends for the mistakes that she suddenly sees that she has made in each of their lives.

A great story line about seeking forgiveness and learning to accept others as they make different lifestyle choices than we would make- and even make different lifestyle choices than we would wish for them.

FYI: My new rating system.

  • I am now going to a star rating system. For books that I truly like and they fit me- 5 Stars. (These would be Adventures/ Murder Dramas/ Save-the-World/ and some SciFi and Other-Worldly books.)
  • For books that I enjoy, and I think others that follow my interests would as well- 4.5 Stars.
  • For books that are good reads, but NOT my cup of tea – 4 Stars.
  • I don’t review books under that- I don’t finish them.

Written for The New York Times Best Sellers.