A Bird, a Plane, You!



You get to choose one superpower. Pick one of these, and explain your choice:

  • the ability to speak and understand any language
  • the ability to travel through time
  • the ability to make any two people agree with each other


If some form of divine intervention (a bite from a radioactive spider or a poisonous serum being reverse-engineered and given to me as a life-saving vaccine) suddenly gave me a superpower, I would choose to travel through time.

The ability to speak and understand any language could be mastered my mere human, if I would just get off my lazy butt and practice.

The ability to make any two people agree with each other… what a crock of ****. You can make people say anything. But you can change the actions that pour form the heart. A jerk will be a jerk… A clown will be a clown… A racist will be a racist… Mere words, nor rewriting laws, will change any of this.

So…… I want the ability to travel through time. I don’t ask for the ability to change anything in time. People- for the most part- create their own destinies. I don’t choose to rewrite history. But there are MANY PEOPLE throughout history with whom I would love to converse. (The list is in no particular order!)  I would just want to ask a lot questions that start with “Why…”

  1. George Washington
  2. Thomas Jefferson
  3. Benjamin Franklin
  4. Abraham Lincoln
  5. Stonewall Jackson
  6. Malcolm X
  7. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  8. Jesus
  9. Confucius
  10. Buddha
  11. Joan of Arc
  12. Cleopatra
  13. Julius Caesar
  14. Mozart
  15. Beethoven
  16. Leonardo de Vinci
  17. Thomas Edison
  18. Mother Teresa
  19. Gandhi
  20. Socrates
  21. Galileo
  22. William Shakespeare
  23. Napoleon
  24. Karl Marx
  25. Adolf Hitler

Written for The Daily Post: February 1, 2016.A Bird, a Plane, You!

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