

Mistakes… They are part of life.

In all likelihood, a world-changer has to alter his path every single day because of an error or miscalculation.

Mistakes are inevitable. Own up…Move on.

Mistakes – or at least the possibility of a gaffe- keeps you on your toes.  The unknown keeps life exciting!

Do not be a person who plays it so safe that mistakes are rare.

Mistakes can sometimes lead to great achievements.

Knowing that a mistake is possible allows us to pay more attention to the magnificent ride called life.

Mistakes are inevitable.

NOTE TO SELF: Shoot for the stars. A miscalculation and a forced moon landing is still a major step! Rejoice!

Written for The Daily Post: The Art and Craft of Blogging. Mistakes

5 thoughts on “Mistakes

  1. Wow, I hadn’t heard that Michelangelo quote, it fits your post perfectly. I forget that mistakes are inevitable, and can lead to greatness. Thanks for this reminder!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If we mistakes did not occur this planet would have been 40% of its human population – I am referring to the mistake Alexander Fleming made and discovered Penicillin.

    Great quote and thought provoking post.

    Liked by 1 person

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