Share Your World Meets Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Share Your World


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

  • Have you ever driven the wrong way on a one-way street? How did this come about?
  • As a kid, did you ever decide to run away? Did you have a plan? Take a pet? Sandwiches?
  • You suddenly found you have a hidden talent for playing a musical instrument. What musical instrument do you hope that accompanies your talent? Any particular song?
  • Do you accessorize with jewelry? There was an opal necklace (cursed) and Slytherin’s locket (also cursed) in the Potter story. Have you had any heirloom jewelry passed down through the generations? Is it more ‘keepsake’ or do you wear it on occasion? (Hopefully, yours was not cursed?)

Have you ever driven the wrong way on a one-way street? How did this come about?

As a teen, I was driving through intense fog on a trip from Washington, D.C. I crossed a bridge-driving the wrong way- and I ended up on a military base. After much explaining, and a phone call (or two) I was escorted back to the turn-off I had missed.

As a kid, did you ever decide to run away? Did you have a plan? Take a pet? Sandwiches?

Mom advised me to stay for supper and then packed me sandwiches for a late meal and a snack for the dog. She put new batteries in my transistor. She even helped me put on my backpack with my sleeping bag attached.

You suddenly found you have a hidden talent for playing a musical instrument. What musical instrument do you hope that accompanies your talent? Any particular song?

If only I had hidden talent. But if I did, I would want to be a concert pianist.

I won’t have to pick a song. A concert pianist can play just about anything placed in front of them!

Do you accessorize with jewelry? There was an opal necklace (cursed) and Slytherin’s locket (also cursed) in the Potter story. Have you had any heirloom jewelry passed down through the generations? Is it more ‘keepsake’ or do you wear it on occasion? (Hopefully, yours was not cursed?)

I am not a jewelry person.

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