Ba-ba-be Is Missing

spf-august-05-2018-james-pyle-1Jane triumphantly paraded around the garden in search of her missing doll. She had just left Ba-ba-be on her own for a few minutes when Mommy had called to come inside to see Grampa.

Ba-ba-be was very willing to watch the flowers and bees by herself, for just a short while, because anytime Grampa visited he always brought a package of Goldfish crackers. Sometimes Gramps even had Tootsie Rolls.

Jane new that they both were Ba-ba-be’s favorites as much as her own.

After circling the rose garden, for the third time, Jane decided that she would need to go quickly inside and see Mamma.

Ba-ba-be often got into trouble because of her questionable behaviors. She was all the time running up to total strangers and sitting on their laps … even though she knew better.

Mamma had cautions she and Ba-ba-be several times about such troublesome behaviors.

Jane carefully unwrapped her Tootsie Roll and placed it in her mouth. “Ba-ba-be was never very careful about things like that when left on her own,” she thought.

Written for Sunday Photo Fiction and The Three Things Challenge, 10 August 2018. 

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