Biting Off More than You Can Chew: A Retrospective

bite off more than you can chew

Biting Off More than You Can Chew:

A Retrospective


Change can be needed and invigorating.

Change can be cheerless and exhausting.

It doesn’t matter your personal preferences about change… Change happens.

Sometimes it happens fast. Sometimes slow, But change is an always a constant.


It can help as you are planning the necessities of change for you to remember these two postulates:

Just like in the game of Mother May I, baby steps are easier to accommodate than big leaps. Leaps usually have consequences, whereas baby steps- slow, methodical, and directed- will get you to your target.

Never bite off more than you can chew. Sure, you might be able to get the job done… but it will be messy!

Written for The Daily Post: RetrospectiveI have been having problems finding something of meaning to create an answer for the prompts this year. So I decided to strengthen and tighten my focus. My chosen topics are as follows:  (Monday) Life in Retirement; (Tuesday) Hobbies: Archaeology and Astronomy; (Wednesday) Fitness; (Thursday) Chores; (Friday) Writing; (Saturday) Hobbies: Music and Photography; and (Sunday) Hobbies: Gardening and Birdwatching.

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