Well, I Did It

Man-Looking-Through-Telescope-85099After gifting myself with numerous presents for Christmas last year, and having a birthday week celebration this year instead of just one day, I had decided that there was nothing that I truly wanted for Christmas as a present this year, so therefore… I would have nothing under the tree.

I guess that this ended up being true?

Three days after Christmas I succumbed (with reservations) and purchased a new telescope. It is not a tremendously expensive one! I was reading in this month’s Astronomy magazine about this great beginner’s telescope that was supposed to be super-easy to use (i.e. for me that means … easy to focus!) I fell for the advertisements. It is now in a box awaiting its inauguration.

Written for The Daily Post: Reservation. I have been having problems finding something of meaning to create an answer for the prompts this year. So I decided to strengthen and tighten my focus. My chosen topics are as follows:  (Monday) Teaching and Life; (Tuesday) Hobbies: Archaeology and Astronomy; (Wednesday) Fitness; (Thursday) Chores; (Friday) Writing; (Saturday) Hobbies: Music and Photography; and (Sunday) Hobbies: Gardening and Birdwatching.

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