Do You Remember the 45s


From the time I was nine or ten, I was a major player in the world of show biz. (especially country music!)

With my own portable record player- it would play 45s- I would blast out my passions in our basement. (I cohabitated our one-room basement wiht our furnace) 

If my allowance was not spent on a item of clothing for my particular style at school, it was spent on 45s.

I was not big on the fashion scene.

One holey pair of sneakers was enough for me. Nothing fancy… I would rather be barefoot. Blue jeans and T-shirts would complete my trendsetting attire.

Because of my economical clothing budget, I was able to acquire many (MANY) 45s. (Wish I still had them!)

Here are three of my favorites. Enjoy… Mr. Roger Miller.

***We shared the same first name…

…And I knew that one day I would be as famous a singer as Mr. Miller.

King of the Road.

Dang Me

Do Wacka Do

I suspect my mother was very relieved when I started into junior high chorus and knew more singers than Roger Miller.

Written for The Daily Post: Record  I have been having problems finding something of meaning to create an answer for the prompts this year. So I decided to strengthen and tighten my focus. My topics for the month of March are as follows:  (Monday) Teaching and Life; (Tuesday) Hobbies: Archaeology and Astronomy; (Wednesday) Fitness; (Thursday) Chores; (Friday) Writing; (Saturday) Hobbies: Music and Photography; and (Sunday) Hobbies: Gardening and Birdwatching.  

8 thoughts on “Do You Remember the 45s

    1. My mother was grateful when he was not my #1 idol for singer. His song topics were a bit much for her. I’m not sure I thought much about the words? I just loved the punch lines.


  1. Coincidentally a few weeks ago my parents gave me my old 45s which were taking up room at their house. I bought a new turntable and yesterday sorted through them all, chose 50 to keep downstairs and put the rest in the loft.

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      1. A wide range, some Abba, Guns ‘N Roses, Laura Brannigan, Crash Test Dummies… there were also some big duds (I’m sure I felt they were a good idea at the time!).

        Liked by 1 person

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