This Rock Changed My World: FFftPP- 2017 Week #07



WEEK #07

I would like to give a hearty welcome to all flash fiction aficionados. Welcome to the new Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner Home Site.

Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner is a weekly writing challenge designed for both the flash fiction newbie and the more experienced writer. It is the desire of this challenge to allow writers the opportunity to clear the cobwebs from a more tedious and involved project. Becoming a part of a new and growing writer’s community might be just what the doctor ordered to rejuvenate your writing juices.

Your Photo Prompt for Week #07 – 2017


The challenge for Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner will open early Wednesday morning, February 8th. Allow the prompt to take you anywhere you want to go! (Limit your stories to 200 words.)

This challenge is open until 11:00 pm Friday night, February 17th, 2017.

Click on the Blue Frog to share your story with our community.

The Six Easy Guidelines

  • A photo prompt topic is to be used as your ‘muse’. They will arrive promptly at midnight each Thursday morning.
  • Include the photo prompt and its credits with your story on your blog.
  • All stories are to be crafted and honed to under 200 words in length.
  • Each flash fiction piece should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. No serial stories. It is harder to stay abreast of a serial story. (Please keep content PG-13.)
  • Post your flash fiction response by clicking on THE BLUE FROG. Follow the given directions.
  • It is the desire of this blog to begin a new writing community. Plan a day to visit the writings of our challengers to enjoy our creations and to provide a little positive feedback.

Thank you for your participation. I look forward to reading each of your stories. Please remember to check back and follow the journeys of our fellow writers. Kind comments are always appreciated.

The Rock that Changed My World 

“I knew it was cheesy. But there was no other way.”

“Throwing my twelve-string in the Chevy, I was there in under ten.”

“But Daddy, it takes almost twenty minutes to get to Grandma’s.”

“Light traffic, sweetie.”

“Mommy’s window was open and the curtains were flapping out the window.”

“Jumping out of the car, I grabbed ole Betsy and I was under the window before I could change my mind.”

“But had to know she was there.”

“Daddy, what did you do?” Vanessa loved this part.

“This, sweetie.” he said, holding a small rock. “This rock changed my world.”

Written for The Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Challenge: Requirements: February 2, 2017 prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a rock in the road. It can be physical, adding to a plot twist, or it can be metaphorical for a barrier or hardship. Go where you find the rock.

Also written for Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner: Week #07 – 2017. Requirements: Using the photo prompt, create a 200 word flash fiction story.

4 thoughts on “This Rock Changed My World: FFftPP- 2017 Week #07

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