Share Your World- January 23, 2017


Share Your World

January 23, 2017

  • Do you prefer juice or fruit?
  • Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?
  • If you were to paint a picture of your childhood, what colors would you use?
  • Ways to Relax List: Make a list of what relaxes you and helps you feel calm.

Do you prefer juice or fruit?


Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?

I grew-up on a small cattle farm. Lots of corn and hay. Lots of cats and a few dogs. It Was Awesome!

If you were to paint a picture of your childhood, what colors would you use?

ORANGE! My favorite shirt from sixth grade to eighth grade was a nylon-type tight-fitting sailor shirt. It was bright orange with a shoe-string lace ties for the open-chest look. I was quite the stud! (I am so glad there are no pictures of this fashion statement????)

Ways to Relax List: Make a list of what relaxes you and helps you feel calm.

Classical music and a candlelight meal!

Written for Share Your World- January 23, 2017. Requirements: Answer the questions.

3 thoughts on “Share Your World- January 23, 2017

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