Share Your World January 9, 2017


Share Your World

January 9, 2017

  • If you lost a bet and had to dye your hair a color of the rainbow for a week, what color would it be?
  • If you could choose one word to focus on for 2017, what would it be?
  • What was one thing you learned last year that you added to your life?
  • If life was ‘just a bowl of cherries’… which fruit other than a cherry would you be..?

If you lost a bet and had to dye your hair a color of the rainbow for a week, what color would it be? 

Since birth, I have had the blackest of black hair. As a youth, it was very think and very curly. With just a hint of sweat from playing baseball… I was suddenly a mop-head.

Now I wear my hair so short the curls can’t form. It is still the blackest black… except for the places that are Gainsboro grey. (Yeh, it looked it up to see what color of gray I was talking about. A man has to be accurate.)

If I have to dye my hair for a bet, it would be yellow. Maybe two stripes… one on each side. Looking like a tiger for a while could be fun?

If you could choose one word to focus on for 2017, what would it be?

Wow! That is a grand question.

What was one thing you learned last year that you added to your life?

Another grand question.

If life was ‘just a bowl of cherries’… which fruit other than a cherry would you be..?


NOTE: The questions were grand this week! In fact, I think that they were far more thought provoking- in an internal sense- than I usually find them. I enjoyed thinking about them, and I may even journal and share my thoughts in prompts later on this year… But “Wow! What a grand question!” was a deep as I wanted to share this week.

Written for Share Your World- January 9, 2017. Requirements: Answer the four questions.

6 thoughts on “Share Your World January 9, 2017

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