Share Your World- 2016: Week #50

Senior lady with homemade cake

Share Your World- 2016

Week #50

  • What is your favorite smell? What memory does it remind you of?
  • What type of pet do you have or want to have?
  • Are you usually late, early, or right on time? 
  • For recharging, would you rather meditate, swim, walk, listen to music, write, read, yoga, qigong other?

What is your favorite smell? What memory does it remind you of?

Grandma’s Apple Cinnamon Pies!!!!! That probably says it all.

What type of pet do you have or want to have?

I have a shih tzu- an eight-year-old. He is spoiled rotten. This one might be the last dog for me. After this I might become a cat person again.

Are you usually late, early, or right on time? 

I am always at least ½ hour to everywhere I go. I hate being late.

For recharging, would you rather meditate, swim, walk, listen to music, write, read, yoga, qigong other?

When I need to recharge, I need to get outdoors and walk and walk and walk. This is usually done with headphones directing soft melodies into my ears. After a while, I find a welcoming stump or luscious bed of mosses under an elm (or other friendly-looking tree) I remove the headphones and I journal about what has been stressing me and possible avenues for resolution. Then I am up and going again for the return trip. If it is a warmer season… the same trip, but with a great book- often followed by a nap under the trees.

Written for Share Your World- 2016: Week #50. Requirements: Answer the four questions.

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