The Wedding: Simply Eccentric

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Iain Kelly.

“There… At the double bridges…”

“I see them.”

“I suppose the whirling of the blades spooked them.”

“Are you kidding? Didn’t you see Barron light the fireworks? He said he was going to send Tiffany off with a bang.”

“Thank God, she and Ross were not on the stallions!”

“Don’t go any lower.”

“If we could only nudge them toward Central Park. That would be so much safer than the bypasses.”

“Doesn’t matter… Traffic’s at a standstill. Mayor’s orders. Block all seventeen blocks.”

“I know that millionaires and billionaires are eccentric, but leaving the church to ride to the airport on snow-white Arabians…. Now that’s got to be a first.”

“It was a beautiful ceremony. Hard to believe, just like her step-mother Melania, Tiffany doesn’t need a $20,000 gown. She was gorgeous in a gown of her own $200 design. They said it, and fourteen other classic designs, are showing with a designer in Vogue.”

“Let’s radio in that we found them. I’m sure the newlyweds have already jetted to The Isles by now.”

Written for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. Requirements: Create a flash story of 150+ words using the photo prompt.

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