Share Your World – 2016 Week #33

peanut butter

Share Your World – 2016

Week #33

  • Would you travel into outer space?
  • Which country/city in the world (that you have never been to) would you most like to visit and why?
  • What could you do to breathe more deeply today?
  • Complete this sentence: This creamy peanut butter sandwich could really use some…

Would you travel into outer space?

Traveling to outer space? Hummm….. I think that I would love to take a trip to the moon. Would I want to live there? I still have not been able to allow myself to travel to Florida to see very special friends. If I like a place, I don’t tend to NOT want to leave. So…. traveling limits me to touring destinations until I can make other decisions in life.
Which country/city in the world (that you have never been to) would you most like to visit and why?

If I could visit the places that I would like to most visit, I would need to time travel. I would love to visit ‘the great moments’ of history… Egyptian Pharaohs and the making of mummies… Gladiator fights in the Coliseum… Witnessing the baptisms on the Jordan River… Landing with the Roanoke Colony to experience (and live through it, please!) what happened to the Lost Colony… Being in the room for the discussions and the signing of The Declaration of Independence… (You get the picture…)

What could you do to breathe more deeply today?

Sitting and relaxing in my livingroom and listen, then give in and sing with a musical selection that elicits passion from my heart.
Complete this sentence: This creamy peanut butter sandwich could really use some …

This creamy peanut butter sandwich could really use some red raspberry jam and an ice-chilled glass of lemonade.

Written for Share Your World. Requirements: Answer the four questions.


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