Nitwits… Nincompoops…

PHOTO PROMPT – © Emmy L Gant

Nitwits… Nincompoops…


“Can’t find good help any more.”

“Job’s not that hard. Think a monkey could be trained to do it.”

“Hope ol’ Walt’s OK. He was lookin’ little peek’ed the other mornin’.”

He looks to the left at the circular indentation.

“All ya gotta do is pick me up. Empty me. Put’s a bag in me. Place me back into the hole so that I don’t wobble in the wind.”

“If that storm kicks up, even the bag they throwed in me’s gonna blow away.”

“Driver saw what a shotty job the newbie was doin’”

“He just didn’ care.”

“Nitwits… Nincompoops…”


Written for Friday Fictioneers. Requirements: Using the photo prompt. create a 100 word flsh fiction story.

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