
King Helianthus

“Cursed, I say…” the witch-queen screaked. “Cursed are you!”

“But why, my dear. Winifred, why are you cursing me?”

“I have put up with your wandering eyes for as long as I care to do so.”

“But Wini, we have many beauties in our kingdom. I only mean it as a compliment.”

“‘Compliment’ my Aunt Lucy. You virtually drooled when that red-head walked passed.”

“No, Wini.”

“You – and all your kind- shall have your cake and eat it too, my dear. From this day on, your eyes will be allowed to follow the brightest as the best…every day of your life.”


Suddenly King Helianthus found himself a sunflower.


Written for Flash Fiction for the Aspiring Writer. Requirements: Using the photo prompt, create a 100-150 word flash fiction story.

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