Mountaintops and Valleys

Mountaintops and Valleys

Describe a time when you quickly switched from feeling at the top of the world to sinking all the way down (or vice versa). Did you learn anything about yourself in the process?

Being on a mountaintop is an exhilarating feeling. Sometimes you find yourself there because of overcoming struggles and personal, unrelenting determination to achieve a predetermined goal. Sometimes the mountaintop is completely undeserved and a total happenstance.

Mountaintop views are awesome experiences. To experience the world from a pinnacle of utmost achievement is breathtaking and can make one giddy. But mountaintop experiences are not meant to become solidified destinations. There is no place to grow from the top of a mountain. One can make no more progress.

Life walked out only in the valleys can be just as confining. With no true vision of the world around you, enduring the scraps, scuffles, and skirmishes of the valley- the dirt and mud-encrusted necessities of life- can drain one of perspective of a hope and a future.

The incessant demand of obligation, with no promise of fulfilled aspirations, can become mind-numbing and drive a valiant worker into despair and self-torment.

I have always asked of myself to allow my visions to stay in the mountains, to constantly be allowed to dream the dreams necessary to find strength of purpose, but to accept the fact- even the admonition- that my feet have to be constantly and firmly planted on the ground.

A man with his head in the clouds dreaming dreams– without feet on the ground walking out his destiny… is a Macy’s Day balloon.

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Mountaintops and Valleys.”

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